i bought this new book called Kokology: the game of self-discovery by Tadahiko Nagao and Isamu Saito..According to the book, Kokology is a series of psychological games designed to reveal your HIDDEN attitudes about sex, family, love, work and more. i read a review from a magazine (can't remember which one) that this is a very entertaining book..so when i went to national bookstore, i tried to find this book..and well..like i said..i bought it...
the author gave some tips on how to play Kokology.. i think the most important tip was that "Say the first thing that pops into your head..". and i realized that some of the interpretations were accurate, surprisingly! haha i enjoyed reading it so much..so much that i was able to finish reading it in one day!
i read it alone..and then i realized that it would be more fun if i read it with my friends..i tried to ask some of the questions to my friend, Lisa..and we were laughing the whole time..and she also told me that it was accurate..or maybe we never realized that, that was our feelings or approach on things! i highly recommend this book!
here's one of the games.."Adrift on the breeze"..another tip to the game is that, you imagine yourself in a certain situation and then, among the choices, choose one which you will do..
"Can you still remember those long summer days when school was out, you had no responsibilities, and there was nothing but time from when you woke up till the sun finally went down? time for play and adventure, time to daydream and roam. Hours spend on childhood diversions...flying kites...watching clouds..blowing bubbles..."
"Imagine you are out again on a childhood summer's day, blowing bubbles in an open field. Which of the following best describes the scene you imagined?
1. The bubbles you blow float away high into the sky.
2. You are blowing hundreds of tiny bubbles through your plastic ring.
3. You're concentrating on blowing a single enormous bubble.
4. The bubbles you make are carried behind you on the breeze.
i chose the first one..and it says that "the shimmering bubbles you blow in your imagination are symbols of your hopes and dreams. The scene you described reveals how you think about the dreams you hope someday will come true."
again, i chose the first one..it says that "You see your own dreams as elusive and unattainable, flying away from you like soap bubbles on the wind. Maybe you're wishing for too much, too soon or are caught up in an impossible fantasy. Whatever the case may be, the gap between your dreams and reality is wide. As much as you may like to tell others of your grand schemes and plans for the future, somewhere inside yourself is a voice telling you just how fragile and fleeting those dreams are."
with that interpretation..i could say that yeah..i have big dreams that i don't think will ever come true haha...i don't know if i am being realistic hehe..but that's it..enough about that..
you will be enjoying this book!:) you will be surprised at the hidden meanings of your answers..you may think that it will be like a psychological test..but no, this is a whole lot better! and more fun...:)