Thursday, February 22, 2007

2nd GIMP image

here's my second GIMP edited that sir yuv will be checking the things we've done, i realized that i wasn't able to post my 2nd GIMP here it is...

a picture of Jessie from Full House..

and here's the edited pic...

1) i duplicated the layer by clicking the "duplicate" icon on the layers, channels, dialog box

2)i used the gaussian blur Filters-->Blur-->Gaussian blur and then i experimented to find the good values of the picture by clicking on the image and then at the dialog box, i used 7 pixels.

3) i inverted the colors of the image on Layer-->Colors-->Invert

4)i adjusted the layer's opacity to 50%

5)with the two layers visible, i highligted the first layer and then right click, merge down

6)back to the image,i used to adjust the colors again by Layer-->Colors-->Levels, i set the input levels to 100 (at the left) and 155 (at the right)

7)to make the background image white, on the image again, Layer-->Colors-->Levels and then i set the input levels to 39 at the left, 0.95 at the middle and 128 at the right.

8)and then, i used the color picker from the GIMP Toolbar to select the color white from the image.

9)and then i clicked the brush, and erased some marks from her face to achieve the clean sketch effect.

that's the way i used this tutorial to achieve the sketch effect.

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